Here at Saxe Gotha Presbyterian, music is a wonderful and significant part of our worship services. We praise and give God joy through music each Sunday morning, informally in many ways throughout the week, and on special occasions throughout the year. Our church truly has much to offer a person who is interested in getting involved in music ministry, no matter his or her age. To learn more, please contact Cindy Threatt
"Sharing Christ through song and service" is the mission of the Sanctuary Choir. Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-7:45pm, in the Music Suite, located on the 2nd floor of the Main Building. New members are always welcome.
The AWE (Alternative Worship Experience) Worship Team is the contemporary worship ensemble that leads worship for our 11:00 am AWE Service in the Light House (smaller building behind the Main Building). The group is led by Jason Flores. For information about auditioning or getting involved, contact Jason Flores
Membership is limited and by audition only.
The Drama Ministry performs dramatic sketches for services, special events and seasonal productions.
Rehearsals are held on Tuesday evenings from 6:00-7:00pm in the Sanctuary. If you have ever played an instrument, you can play handbells.
Preschool Children's Choirs (age 2 - Kindergarten) in Room 214 and Kid's Choir (1st - 5th grade) meets in the Choir Room. Choirs meet from 5:30 - 6:15 pm. The meetings include music learning, games and a lot of fun had by all.
Instrumentalists are used at various time of the year to play special music and to support the Sanctuary Choir during cantatas and other special musical events in the life of the church.