Adult Ministry

Women sitting in a circle discussing a passage in a book

The Adult Ministries provide opportunities for the spiritual formation of the adults of Saxe Gotha through fellowship, education and service. The goal of Adult Ministries is to foster vital, growing relationships with Jesus Christ and others that result in lives of godliness and service to others.

Prayerwalking involves taking our prayers out into our community where we desire to see God’s presence manifested and our prayers answered. We welcome you and your family to join us in praying for our community during this difficult time. Download the brochure below to get ready for this exciting message and to join with us across the Midlands.

Prayerwalking Guide Prayerwalking Guide - Printer Friendly Daily Prayer Guide
Rev. Helen Harrison Ham
Associate Pastor, Adult Ministries
803.359.7770, ext. 140

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